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How do I choose a domain name?
8 important principles in choosing the ideal domain name
1. Short domain name is one of the most important factors in choosing a suitable domain name, and it is recommended that the domain name be less than 10 letters long.
2. Keeping the domain name in mind is the second most important factor in choosing a suitable name, and it must be said that the shortness of your domain name can make it memorable.
3. The name of the selected domain should be easy to write and pronounce because simplicity in these cases can keep the domain name in the minds of users.
4. Do not use duplicate letters, numbers and symbols in the domain name as much as possible because it usually makes it difficult to read the domain name. If you have to use these items in the domain name, try to make it easy for users to read the domain name.
5. Select the domain name in a way that reflects the scope of the site’s activity.
6. As much as possible, try to use the keywords in your site’s domain name.
7. To register a domain, try to use suffixes related to your site’s activity field and do not limit yourself to the .com extension.
8. Do not use duplicate names similar to other sites because the domain must indicate that your site is specific.